Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pizza time with Chef Mark

I like to cook. Not the every day gotta put food on the table before my children crumble type of cooking, but the fun gourmet type of cooking. One item I have gotten good at making is Pizza. The kids are happy & I get to play with dough. Everything I know about making pizza, I learned from the Cheese Board Collective cookbook.

We enjoy making the Potato pizza with Yukon gold potatoes and lots of caramelized onions! Making your own pizza is a great way to empty out your veggie bin before you lose your vegetables to decay (which happens to me a lot, since I forgot they are in there). I also suggest that you use artichoke hearts, they make any pizza somehow even better! I am also fond of fresh mozzarella, heirloom tomatoes, fresh basil, Aidells Sausage and olives too.

I think I will add my cooking photos to my flickr account and add an item or two that I have made each month, but we shall see. Time to take a break from the computer screen!

The Cheese Board
and Arizmendi rule!

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