Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Artist of the week: Robert Bright

There is something really incredible about the energy in the lines of Robert Bright's drawings. The pictures are simple enough, but the lines flow and create something like a symphony playing together in harmony, intrinsically beautiful. It took me some time to appreciate this. Robert Bright published Georgie in 1944, but the story and the art is timeless.

Robert Bright wrote twelve more "Georgie" books for Doubleday & Company, including "Georgie's Halloween", "Georgie to the Rescue" and "Georgie and the Robber." The only information I found on the internet for Robert Bright was an obituary from the New York Times ~

Robert Bright, an author and illustrator of children's books, died of cancer on Nov. 21 at his home in San Francisco. He was 87 years old (Published: December 3, 1988).

Mr. Bright, born in Sandwich, Mass., was also a teacher, reporter and fiction writer. Among his adult novels were "The Intruders" and "The Olivers".

Here's an idea for a new Halloween tradition, introduce a child to these classic books about a ghost named Georgie, and keep the magic of Robert Bright alive for another generation.

1 comment:

lisalee18wheeler said...

Thank you so much for spreading the word about Georgie!
My father, John W. Dunn, was a cartoonist and storyboard writer for Warner Bros. & DFE.
He raised me up to have great appreciation for talented newspaper cartoon artists and children's storybook artists.
I worked for a time in some public libraries, where I became acquainted with Bright and his delightfully charming books about Georgie. I was amazed at how many there were in the Public Libraries then and hopefully still are. These are the sort of stories with fun little ghosts that I always tried to find when I was a kid. They are ageless.