Saturday, October 11, 2008

Our day at the Academy of Science

On Friday, the kids had off from school, so we went to Golden Gate park to check out the new CA Academy of Science, along with a few thousand other families apparently. Yes it was crowded, but it was fun nonetheless. The living roof is so cool! It reminds me of my 3rd grade project, about an underground solar home built into the side of a green grass hill. Check out the CAS web site.

The new Steinhart Aquarium is really cool too. I played with many camera settings that day, but still have not found the ideal set up for getting a good shot of a moving fish with no flash and no blurring. Also, I could use a better zoom lens, to get those detailed shots. Here is the CAS photoset on Flickr.

Being in the four story Rain forest was pretty amazing, and the highlight of the day really. Just watching the butterflies zoom around the place was mesmerizing, no to mention the cool lizards and snakes on display as well. We did skip out on the penguins that day, in favor of leaving the museum to find some food, but I am sure we will be back soon.

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