Thursday, August 28, 2008

Battle of the Chameleons

Today, I found this drawing under the computer desk and wondered to myself, "What is happening in this picture?" Are the Chameleons being led to an interdimensional vortex against their will? OR are they merely leading their friends to the local watering hole? Studying the drawings of children is so much fun. I place them right up there with great art like Klee or Chagall. I will find out the story behind this drawing by Sally and post an update soon.

After talking to the artist, I found out some more information. It seems that the chameleons are smelling a rose or attempting to eat it, the rose is the large red spiral with the green leaves. The three stars are stopping them and fighting with the chameleons and the other super heroes pictured on the left-hand side. The red things are capes not swords or daggers (notice the S circle) and they are the chameleons friends. So my orginal title still holds true ~ Battle of the Chameleons!

Also ~ I am thinking that a weekly post of children's art sounds good as well. Perhaps you might spruce up that boring desktop background, or just enjoy the unbridled creativity of youth! Who knows where this could lead ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Sally! The battle for smelling or eating is quite fierce. I love the many forms of truth around this one sketch, the artist's truth, viewer's and now the layered thoughts of all who look at the art and then get to see it through Mark's mist of interpetation.