After many phone calls to the post office and much emotional turmoil, Sally's custom made panda costume arrived today at 3 pm. Yes, the day AFTER Halloween! Amazingly, Sally accepted the sad turn of events about her costume without any fanfare or tears. She simply went through our closets and found Xander's old Ninja Bunny costume and turned it into a Bunny Angel on Halloween night. The crazy thing was, when we tracked Sally's package it said that it was delivered at 2:51 pm on THURSDAY, October 30th! Say What - ?!?!? How confusing is that? Meanwhile, dear old Dad was losing his mind ~ checking the neighbors' porches, calling the post office, and generally getting grumpier and grumpier each hour on Halloween. I almost became convinced that it was stolen off our porch by some no-good hoodlums. Then I realized, that seemed pretty unlikely, and that it was most likely delivered to the wrong house or simply in the back of the mail truck under a pile of magazines and publishers clearing house giveaway letters. My advice? Whatever you do ~ Don't use the United States Postal Service for important packages. Use something more reliable like Uncle Fred and his pal Dave.